Sunday, January 6, 2013

Gone With the Wind Vocab, Lesson 3

Lesson 3

Here are some more words from Gone With the Wind. This is all quite interesting to me—looking up words, many with which I used to be more familiar. When I first made this list, I realized I had become quite removed from reading, writing, and words! I look at some of these and recall vocab lessons from high school, but it’s great fun to record them here and look for the tighter meanings of words that are remembered to a degree, obvious in context, but calling me to take a closer look. And so I continue.

Lesson 1 started here.

redolent p 76—heavy with velvety smells, redolent of many blossom, of newly fledged trees
—exuding fragrance, aromatic, full of a specified fragrance

riot p 76—a bright riot of the twin lanes of daffodils bordering the graveled driveway, and the golden masses of yellow jessamine
—a random or disorderly profusion

sprangles p 76— yellow jessamine spreading flowerey sprangles modestly to the earth like crinolines.
—relates to aimless or random

obdurate p 80— Seeing the obdurate look on Scarlett’s face
—stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing, hardened in feelings; resistant to persuasion or softening influences

lugubrious p 84—Irish ditties or the more lugubrious lament for Robert Emmet
—mournful, gloomy, dismal or the like, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner

vociferous p 88—the four girls . . . gave such vociferous cries of greeting that the team pranced in alarm.
—marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry; clamorous, blatant, strident , boisterous, so loud or insistent as to compel attention; implies a vehement shouting or calling out

sallies p 89—Scarlett laughed with the rest of these sallies but, as always, the freedom with which the Tarletons treated their mother came as a shock.
—a clever, witty, or fanciful remark

hoyden p 90—It was the same conflicting emotion that made her desire to appear a delicate and high-bred lady with the boys and to be, as well, a hoyden who was not above a few kisses.
—a girl or woman of saucy, boisterous, or carefree behavior

broad p 91—“Our cook is the broad wife of the Wilkes butler
—female slave whose husband was owned by another master

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