Friday, July 12, 2013

Shipping Oddity #3

This time it is about double letters and double numbers. I know that double numbers occur in all shipments, but they stood out this time, because I was looking for doubles.

For 11 orders (oh and that’s the first double), we had these doubles:
  1. 44, 66
  2. Wattles, Comm
  3. 33, Diann, Orr
  4. Donna, Wood, 44, 99
  5. Jerry, McAuliffe, Hoosick, Falls
  6. Three, boofarm
  7. none
  8. Michelle, Shaffer, 55, 44
  9. Todd, Libby, 99, 77
  10. O’Donnell, 99
  11. Robbie
And then the postage totaled $99.99.

This tickles me. Ha!

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